Video: Anna Caitlin + Strong Brand Imagery

On September 21st we gathered together with Anna Caitlin Photography and listened to her absolutely lovely presentation on 3 things we can do for strong brand imagery in our headshots, websites and social media. Check out a few notable Q&As that occurred from the event, and see the video below!

Q: What is branding?

A: It’s you translating visually who you are as a therapist, what the experience is like to be in therapy with you, what the experience of therapy is like.

Q: How do I figure out who I am as a brand?

A: It does help to go and pick out a couple websites that feel really comforting to you, really comfortable to you, and identify: what am I seeing that I like? Is it they’re using neutral tones, is it that it’s really clean, or is that it’s really homey and there’s lots of images and lots of overlay? Identify what it is that you like. . . Thinking about who you’re wanting to attract, and what feeling you’re wanting to put out there, and what feeling you’re wanting to attract back…can really help you as you’re thinking about how you want it to look and who you are as a therapist.

Q: What is involved in a therapist photoshoot?

A: The headshot (bring 3 different outfits), photos of their space (b-roll), and in-action shots.

Q: How much does a headshot matter?

A: When you’re scrolling through pictures of therapists, what stands out is how many are just selfies with their phone. I get that. . .but your client client is paying a good amount to you, therapy isn’t cheap, but also, they are trusting you with something very important to me, and they want to know you’re taking it seriously. They want to know you’re taking the time on your end so that your office, your website…it’s done right. They want to know that they can trust you. Like, you are someone who is solid. And strong imagery can communicate that.


Other notable thoughts from Anna:

Your website is their first introduction to your safe space.

The thing is you want people to stay on your website as long as possible. You have an average of 3 seconds and then they are onto the next therapist’s website. So it needs to resonate right away.

A million thanks to Anna for showing up and educating us! And for donating her time and energy. And thanks to our participants, and to those participants who donated. Small contributions often really make a huge difference in wealth re-distribution and anti-oppressive work in general. In this event, we collectively donated $250 to Equitable Giving Circle.


Event: 3 Ways to Choose a Niche


Event: Anna Caitlin Photography and Creating Strong Brand Imagery