Lloyd Collective will forever and always:

Strive to empower every human being in starting a business. In particular, Lloyd Collective is committed to making private practice more radical, community-centered, and more accessible for Black, indigenous, people of color, immigrants and LGBTQIA folx.

Want to know what we’re doing about it?

We* understand that white supremacy lives within us. The desire to hold all the power. To have power, even if means others do not. To take power from others at a great cost to them. And in our country, white people have built structures, policies, laws and more to ensure that white people have held the power.

We are deeply committed to do no harm, and to the liberation of all people. Our efforts are organized to address the inequities that show up in the mental health profession, and in particular in the private practice realm.

Lloyd Collective’s founder, Ariana Lloyd, has benefited directly from white supremacy culture, and from the many intersections within which she holds privilege. She is actively engaged in anti-racism and anti-oppressive education and training for herself in all personal and professional realms: as a queer human, mother, woman, social worker, therapist, and business consultant. Lloyd Collective is committed to lifelong learning.

Lloyd Collective has taken the anti-racism, small business pledge, and is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. Our plan over the next 12 months:

  • We will hire a justice, equity, diversity and inclusion consultant and follow up on their recommendations.

  • Ariana, as owner of Lloyd Collective gives at least 5% of profit in ongoing donations to businesses and organizations that make business ownership more accessible for black indigenous persons of color and LGBTQIA folx. Is this your business? Please contact us.

  • As Lloyd Collective partners with, hires, and contracts out, we are committed to spend 30% of our dollars on doing so with BIPOC and LGBTQIA folx. Want to join our work? Contact us.

Questions about our stance, values, processes or more? We welcome open dialogue on any of the above. We make mistakes, listen, learn and change our behavior. We are eager to partner with all others on this journey.

*We in this statement encompasses two separate entities: Ariana Lloyd and Lloyd Collective, LLC.