Video: Annie Schuessler + Private Practice Advice

A million thanks to Annie for joining us, I love her wisdom. And to Gail Meadows, the powerhouse who created Meadows Livingstone School. I am so grateful to both of them. And, we raised $940 for the school!

What were Annie’s three pieces of advice for all of us in private practice?

  1. Raise your rates

  2. Be picky about the resources you consume that influence your business decisions

  3. Simplify your processes and offers

Are you interested in working with me to start your private practice? I have a thoughtful, radical, liberation-oriented 8-week cohort program that will get you completely set up, and applications are open now for the group beginning August 18. Check it out here.


Event: Design Your Quarter


August 4 Event: Annie Schuessler + 3 Things For Every Private Practice