Why Vision Matters
When we decide we want to start a private practice, our vision is everything. Writing this feels overly simplistic or too emotionally-focused, but after walking dozens of people through Create Opportunity, I've learned it's reliably true.
One exercise participants do the very first week of the program is visualize their lives in one, five and ten years. Leaning into their imaginations, they document what they earn, who they serve, how they spend their time, what their community looks like, where they live, and as much detail about whatever else comes to mind.
Then we come together to share. Without fail, this ends up being a challenging exercise. Most people have significant mental blocks to work through around imagining a really satisfying, personally chosen future. As a group, it's amazing to see how discussion moves people to clarity.
Why do we start here? Why does getting this vision in place matter so much?
As a business owner, you are everything. The hiring manager (yep, you hired yourself for the gig), the bookkeeper, attorney, accountant, tax decision-maker, therapist, graphic designer, payroll...it's all you. All of those people (who happen to live inside your head), are listening to you. And who is the You, in this case?
It's actually quite similar to the You in internal family systems. It's the self that is curious, creative, courageous, clear, calm, compassionate and confident. And that You needs to be the leader of the whole enterprise. Otherwise things get messy.
The best way to lead? Having a really clear vision.
People often mistakenly believe that logistics alone can help them build a successful business. And yes, putting all the pieces together correctly, efficiently and smartly matters. A lot. But a private practice built on logistics with no clear vision will fall flat. Logistics don't lead a business.
Your vision leads.
If you’re interested in building out your vision, and starting a private practice, I hope you’ll join us in our next cohort. Check out the 8-week private practice program here.