Business is Emotional: a short love letter to therapists
When I was developing my private practice, I used to call my sister at least weekly in a panic. I would be so overwhelmed, at times ashamed, and often sad. She'd validate what I was feeling, then talk me through my to-do list and remind me why I was capable.
When I was developing Lloyd Collective, I'd regularly Marco Polo my friend Anna and let her know how confusing, scary and messy everything felt. I was worried that my emotions were getting in the way of the work. Once again, I was given validation, support on figuring out my next steps, and encouragement.
Anna, a fellow business owner, also wisely told me this:
You are doing the work. The emotional work is necessary in the process of building a business.
I know that seems obvious, but do you know how often therapists (me included) feel that something is wrong if emotionally things get difficult as they start their businesses?
Because of my own experiences, I now trust more deeply those who own the emotional journey of business development.
That embracing of messy emotions encourages soul-searching, which deepens the meaning of our business mission and values. It brings humility that's woven into the fibers of our policies and ethics. And it translates into authenticity and honesty in our marketing content and delivery of services.
Bottom line: if you're feeling like shit, you're doing it right.
(And, it won't always feel that way, I promise.)