Business and the Abandoned Self

I've been thinking about the abandoned self.

Last week, we started a new 8-week cohort and in it, everyone shared their visions. It was so touching to hear what people most desire for themselves and their communities.

The visions shared were vividly colorful, deeply personal, radical, and expansive.

It was an honor to hear them, and have a space in which they were honored.

One thing I've noticed over and over is that it's so easy to abandon ourselves; in particular, when it comes to our careers in the mental health field. We graduate, pick up whatever job we can find, and over time, completely lose touch with our selves. It's so incredibly painful, to say the least.

Just as I was reflecting on this, I came across a Tara Brach video, with a beautiful Jeff Foster poem (right around minute 4) that speaks exactly to this.

if abandonment is the core wound

the disconnection from mother

the loss of wholeness

then the most potent medicine

is this ancient commitment

to never abandon yourself. . .

This ancient commitment to never abandon yourself.

That's what we're doing together in this space. It's building business, but it's so much more.

Thanks so much for being here.


The Yesses and Nos of Private Practice


3 Resources: Pretty, Smart and Fun